Steorn: The Experiments Coming In January

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

In the last hour or so Steorn have updated a thread in their forum outlining the next experiments proving Orbo is an overunity technology.

During January we will be doing a sequence of live experiments - these will be streamed and then posted on our YouTube channel.

The sequence is as follows:

(1) Confirming that all the electrical energy input into an eOrbo interaction is output as heat.

(2) Confirming that there is no change in the domain energy of the components that make up an eOrbo interaction.

(3) Input to Output measurements - confirming eOrbo is Over Unity.

Thats the sequence - if you have any (rational) requests with respect to the first of the above three experiments, please post them in this thread.



Also Sean responded to a question posed:

Tesl01D:Does this involve Calorimeters?

Steorn: "No the live experiments will not use a calorimeter due to practical reasons - instead Joules 1st Law will be applied to calculate heat output. However we will be publishing full calorimeter tests before the end of January - you will be able to download these from our site."

Click To Visit Thread


How Much Longer Can You Hold Out?

Not just the BBC, but Engadget, The Economist, Forbes, Wired, TechCrunch, Ben Goldacre, et al.  How much longer can you ignore what's happening in the world of free energy and how long into January before you finally catch on to story of the century? Time will tell.


Steorn Replications: More Interesting Developments

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

In the past 24 hrs a prominent French engineer has been replicating some key aspects of the of the Orbo motor. French replicator, Jean-Louis Naudin, has tested and confirmed that he encountered no counter electromotive force CEMF / back EMF in his replication.

In his own words:

"The Steorn engine reproduced here confirms the observations and the measurements submitted on December 15, 2009 by Sean McCarthy in Dublin. This engine, an atypical configuration, is really very interesting and worth to be explored and developed because it presents a characteristic of non-reciprocity of the energy load on the power source through the breaking of the symmetry (regauging effect). Other experiments and tests will soon be conducted to better understand and improve this innovative principle.  Using the potential energy of magnets to produce a clean and free energy is really worth exploring and developing very seriously for the future of our planet." 

In corerespondance recieved by Sterling Allan he gets some feedback from Steorn CEO Sean McCarthy on Naudin's replication attempt. Read Sterling Allan's Peswiki article here.

"Thanks for that - however I must urge some caution here, what Jean-Louis will find is that all of his electrical input is being output as heat and that the work done by the rotor is free. However this does not mean that simply putting in a generator will enable him to close the loop.

The reason is that the design of the 'active' coils is very important so that the input uses minimum current to cause the effect in question - the production of heat is a current^2 relationship. Unless this fact is considered in the design of the input, then while the system may be more than 100% efficient, the work done by the rotor will be less than the energy input into the system, and so a closed loop system will not be possible.

Our next sequence of experiments will address these issues.

We are quite happy to discuss this in more detail with Jean if he has further interest in replication (two of our engineers are French, so they should be able to communicate well)."

Jean-Louis Naudin's Steorn Page 
Jean-Louis YouTube Channel

Meanwhile one of the guys at has been busy as well.

"First test run of my Steorn motor replication. Utterly amazing!!! Using just two toroidal coils I can get this motor to over 2000 RPM with just 100ma of power at 12V input!!!!"

Steorn Replication Thread Over At


ORBO: Word Spreading And Experiments Happening

Monday, December 28, 2009

Steorn's LIVE web streaming of their free energy device Orbo has woken many people to the possibility of magnet motors and that the time for oil, coal, gas, nuclear and other outdated polluting sources of energy is now coming to an end.

In the last week or so we've had many YouTube folks confirming Steorn experiments and trying their own setups. Many people are now realising that Orbo does work as has always been maintained by Steorn. It is a true overunity technology.

Here are some recent videos from the public who are realising the potential for Orbo to change everything.

Word is spreading fast.

The Steorn magnetic motor replication by Jean-Louis Naudin

Larskro's replication attempt.

Another excellent video.


Steorn On Christmas Break: More Fun In Store For January!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

As their site now shows, Steorn are now on holiday for Christmas and New Year.  The LIVE demonstration of overunity will resume on January 5th, and will be screened exclusively from  More interesting however is Steorn's plans to show more significant proof of their free energy producing technology - Orbo.

Steorn have posted a message on their forum which alludes to the fact that the cancellation of Back EMF was only just the beginning of the reveal and that things will ramp up in January.


Hope that you all have a great Holiday - the fun starts in January - hope to see you then.



There are at least 3 more LIVE experiments planned where Steorn will be connecting other equipment to the demo device to prove it's overunity capability. If you happen to miss the LIVE sessions they are being recorded and can be viewed on the  Steorn YouTube channel.

Recently Steorn demonstrated Orbo's ability to completely cancel CEMF (Back EMF).

Look Mum - No back EMF!

On February 1st anyone wishing to develop Orbo free energy projects for themselves and understand how Orbo works will be able to join the SKDB and participate with other like minded individuals.

Subscribe to Steorn YouTube Channel here

Find out more about how to access Orbo technology for yourself here


Member Of Public Shares His Impression Of Visiting Orbo Demo

Thursday, December 24, 2009

After visiting the Steorn demo in Dublin, an ordinary member of the public shares his enthusiasm for the technology and for what it could mean for the world.  He seems very impressed with the 3 demonstration devices on display and the impressive setup at the Waterways Visitor Centre in Dublin.

You may need to listen carefully as the sound quality is less than impressive and he is speaking in a soft Irish accent.

The demo has now ceased until after Christmas and New Year.  It resumes again on the 5th January where you will be able to visit in person or view it online.


Subscribe to Steorn YouTube Channel: Help Support Free Energy Awareness

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

If you haven't subscribed to Steorn's YouTube channel then now is the time.  There have been four new videos published in the last 14 days including one featuring the cancellation of Back EMF! and there are some Breathtaking ones to come in January that you just won't believe.

You'll be first to see the new videos  if you subscibe to the YouTube channel now. Add the link to the channel to your blogs and websites and let's get the word out that free energy is real, and the snowball has started gathering momentum.

Subscribe Here


FE Truth


Steorn: Expect 3rd Party Validation / Cancelling Back EMF

Monday, December 21, 2009

Steorn show an overunity pulsed motor with no Back EMF then tell us "Expect 3rd Party Validation".

Steorn were back today after their amazing first experiment in a series of four to be shown LIVE throughout January. Having been fascinated by the Royal Institution Christmas lectures as a lad this experiment was a reminder of that and also a taste of what's to come in the form of some new and cool science on the menu for January.

Steorn offered some tantalising answers to questions on both their public forum and their official YouTube channel.  We'll come to the Question and Answer session in a minute, but first, the experiment. For anyone who missed it, it quite clearly demonstrated that there was no back EMF being generated in their Orbo system - video is below.

Through the Lenz. Scope trace reveals a severe lack of back EMF - nice work.

Yesterday, Steorn through their official YouTube channel and their public forum responded to some questions posed by members of the public also.  A selection of the highlights from these comments now follows.

iainduncansmith: Hello Mr Steorn,
Can we expect some independent, 3rd party, validation of your device as part of the demo in January? 
Steorn: You sure can.

makeitlookreal: What is the maximum percentage of back EMF reduction you have been able to achieve?
Steorn: If care is taken with the setup, then 100% cancellation is possible.

Wow, thanks for the quick response. If what you say is true about 100% of the electrical energy dissipating as heat, then you have something. My objection is that Sean seems to imply that the Orbo somehow violates Lenz's law, and that the absence of BEMF is something unusual and unique here, when in fact it is entirely expected. Many scope shots are then used to demonstrate this irrelevant point. The focus should be on proving input v. output, thats all, IMHO.

Steorn: Hi - the experiment that was shown last night is part of a sequence of tests that we will be putting into the public domain, the final experiments showing the net input/output of the system (and addressing the question of if the magnets themselves 'erode'). In order that there is greater transparency of this we are doing the tests in a defined order. The key point being that the electrical energy put into the system is all dissipated as heat - for this to be true then there must be no BEMF.

littlehaste: At the risk of being a pest, I'll repeat a question I asked in the Steorn forum:

Why not take that superb oscillocope of yours and place the non-contact current probe around one of Orbo's battery wires and connect the differential voltage probe across the battery. I'm sure everyone would enjoy seeing that set of traces and it could be used to show what the net flow of power is between Orbo and the battery.

Steorn: We will be doing that :-)


Breaking News: Steorn LIVE Talk - Cancelling Back EMF in Orbo Electromagnetic Interactions

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, will discuss and demonstrate canceling Back EMF in Orbo electromagnetic interactions at 1700hrs GMT.

Cancelling Back EMF is generally regarded as impossible so this will be very interesting.

Anyone subscribed to the Steorn updates will have received an email recently with this news and it's now also displayed on the Steorn website.

"On Saturday at 5pm GMT, Steorn CEO Sean McCarthy will present a live talk from the Waterways Centre Demo or watch it here on Live Stream View 1."

"Sean McCarthy, CEO of Steorn, will discuss and demonstrate cancelling Back EMF in Orbo electromagnetic interactions."`

For anyone visiting in person and to see this first hand, make your way to:
Waterways Ireland Visitor Centre, Grand Canal Dock, Dublin 4, Ireland

If you cannot be there in person the event will be screened LIVE on the internet on LiveFeed1 on the main Steorn website - click here to view. 


Steorn Orbo Technology Launch Video

Friday, December 18, 2009

Steorn Orbo Technology Launch Video And Information

This video signifies the start of the commercial launch of free energy technology by Dublin technology firm Steorn.

The physics defying Orbo device is currently on display at The Waterways Visitor Centre in Dublin for approx 6 weeks. Entry is FREE to the public, from 10am-7pm The demo consists of two phases 15th – 23rd December 2009 5th – 31st January 2010 but If you can't make it to Dublin then you over the next 6 weeks Steorn are broadcasting the machine in action over LIVE Web Streaming - click here to view Live Camera Feed

Steorn have announced that membership to the SKDB (Steorn Knowledge Development Base) and developer licenses to make Orbo will be available to the public on February 1st 2010.


Get Real : Get Pizza! - Real Science With Extra Cheese

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Free Energy - But Not As Interesting As Pizza

A couple of days ago Steorn put a scientific impossibility on display in the Waterways Museum in Dublin which is into it's 3rd day of Live Web Streaming. The free energy device (ORBO) is at this moment powering itself, recharging a battery and emitting energy through heat also - a 3:1 ratio. Orbo has the possibility to change everything we know and to open our minds to the real possibilities of the universe.

So it's worth pointing out that while the biggest discovery of the millenium is taking place at the Waterways Visitor Centre, it's good to know that on behalf of the public the real heavyweights like NewScientist are adding some real insight.

Meanwhile have written an article on the Orbo demo.  Only thing I would say to these guys is get with the freakin program here! You do not spend millions of Euros, 6 years or research and development, 20 or so full time staff, then do a public demonstration of an "ordinary electric motor".  Boing boing is obviously a euphamism for the sound of their tiny brains bouncing about inside their vacuous craniums.

It really is amazing the amount of so called tech blogs and tech sites who slag off Orbo, without investigating or making any sort of effort to understand it, yet people still read it as gospel.

Feel free to all hang your heads in shame.


ORBO From Fantasy To Reality - Even ZDnet Agree

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

 ORBO - Up close and personal.

Check out this link and then read below.

The most interesting aspect of this apart from the photographs, is the section of ZDNet in which it is now included. Used to be not so long ago Orbo was in the "fairy dust" or "recovered alien disc" section.

No more.

Now Orbo is newly promoted to ZDnet's Emerging Technology Section.  That's right folks, emerging technology.  A new technology about to emerge on the scene.  Not a fantasy, or a fraud, or prolonged self deception, but EMERGING TECH.


Steorn Press Release And Orbo Demo Photos

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Members Of The Public Telling Their Friends About What They Are Seeing. Also screen shows 472 LIVE viewers - wait until the US gets online later ;-)

Guy getting a good look at what a free energy device actually looks like. 

The world's first demonstration of ORBO, an overunity technology got underway a few hours ago at the Waterways Visitor Centre, Grand Canal Bank, in Dublin.  The main camera feed shows a close-up of the device running, while this link on Steorn's site will give you 3 camera positions.

The demo started today, 15th December 2009 and will run until 31st January 2010 (with a break between December 24th and January 4th, inclusive). Admission for the public is FREE.

Having watched the proceedings on the live cam for a while it has been interesting to see all the people come and go, stop and stare and generally look on in amazement.  There is no substitute for seeing the laws of physics broken in front of your very own eyes.

Latest Steorn Press Release

Steorn is pleased to announce that public demonstrations of its controversial Orbo technology will begin today in Dublin and continue for the next six weeks.

Orbo technology, which has been in development for six years, provides free, clean and constant energy at the point of use. It can be engineered to power anything from a phone to a fridge to a car. It is controversial because it is an "over-unity" technology, meaning that it produces more energy than it consumes without the degradation of its constituent parts.

This is an apparent violation of the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The implications, not just for energy production but for society as a whole, are profound.

The public demonstrations - which will include live test and replication sessions - will take place in the Waterways Visitor Centre, Grand Canal Basin, Dublin. They begin today, 15th December 2009 and will run until 31st January 2010 (with a break between December 24th and January 4th, inclusive). The demonstrations will also be streamed live at

"This is a pivotal moment for the company," said Sean McCarthy, Steorn CEO, "and potentially, for us as a species. There exists now an opportunity to change everything. At the end of the six week demonstration period, developers will be able to access our technology and start the process of developing Orbo technology-powered products. The Waterways demonstration is the beginning of the Orbo revolution."


Steorn LIVE ORBO demo - First Pic


Steorn Orbo Demo / LIVE Camera WebFeed And Latest Updates.

 Steorn's Launch Advert For Orbo Free Energy Technology

Steorn have been extremely busy in the last 12 hours, so here's a summary of what's happened.

The promotional launch advert has been published on Steorn's official YouTube Channel.
Meanwhile a few Twitter posts and posts have mentioned the URL that will be used for the Live Web Streaming Of The Overunity ORBO device. The streaming has not started though at this point.

Steorn's Livestream Channel Which Will Show Orbo

When the demo officially begins click here for the LIVE video Webstreaming of the world's first live internet demo of an overunity device in operation.

Meanwhile as reported in the previous post, Engadget have been shooting their overactive know-it-all gob.  I'm pleased to say however that me old mate Rupert Goodwins has developed a more skeptical, but yet open minded approach in this article.

Also worthy of note, Steorn are now on Twitter.

Last bit of news is a YouTubeVideo which you simply must watch. Achieves a subtle combination of being hilarious, yet devastatingly serious at the same time. Check it out.

OK, That's way to much info for a period of 12 hours - Ed.

Useful Links


Steorn Launch Video: Engadget Goons Shoot Themselves In The Foot Again

The recent Steorn video which references a cheeky quote from Engadget from a while back amongst other similar quotes has got the online tat rag all riled up again.

How dare anyone question them - right? Wrong. Engadget it seems would rather have a readership full of square-eyed  iPod zombies than free thinkers. Fortunately a lot of their readers are much smarter than they give them credit for. The Gods at "Mount Olympus Engadget" have spoken, so just shut up and take their word for it, OK.

Steorn recently developed a USB hall probe for measuring magnetic fields which has won some rave reviews, but in a poor mans attempt at discrediting the company Engadget smugly cackle - "Now, coffers filled again after assuredly brisk sales of USB-powered divining rods".  

Now read the sentence above again.  Did you see the reference to divining rods?  Do you see what they do? See the twisting of meaning here? This is how they try and manipulate the opinion here by trying to associate something ordinary with fantasy.

I'll leave you with another epic fail quote from them:
"We're going to firmly stand by our disbelief."

Good luck with that.


Steorn Demo

Monday, December 14, 2009

Steorn demo is seemingly fast approaching.

My OS colleague Hugh has posted the following on his blog and again for the sake of consistency I agree with his sentiment.

"We've been told for sure now that the DEMO which signals the start of the STEORN Orbo launch will start in the next few days."

Meanwhile the Steorn ad continues to grow in popularity as it quite rightly pokes fun at all the people and online debunking rags who have been talking down the technology while never having touched it or even remotely understood it's method of operation.

Are we now so utterly sure of ourselves as a species that we don't even dare discuss new advances for fear our world will come crashing down. Isn't science supposed to be scientific in it's approach and should it not welcome advances?  If the answer is no then we need to redefine the term science and we need to question why we fund it with tax dollars.


Steorn: Latest Pre-Launch Happenings

Sunday, December 13, 2009

 Waterways Visitor Centre, Dublin

There have been a few Steorn related events in recent days that have now been mentioned on a few sites and blogs.

It started after a local man walking through Dublin at nighttime spotted a large electronic TV screen running the new Steorn Advert on a constant loop a-la Times Sqaure New York style. The board is attached high up on a wall behind The Waterways Visitor Centre in Dublin. He posted a night time shot video, but then later removed it for an unknown reason.

Then, yesterday on Steorn's official YouTube channel , the public got a brief glimpse of this new promotional advert which was posted then subsequently removed after an hour or so. In that brief time it was already archived and re-posted by another user and can  be seen here on Steorn's Official Channel It has over 1,200 views already.

Since then another member of the public ArcaneTests has posted the following to -

"So they're starting a new demo next week; they've rented out the old Waterways Building in Dublin and are currently projecting ads onto an old factory next door. Can't find anything about it on their site but apparently they will be streaming a "live" demo of their magic-beans-powered device. They are currently setting up a lot of lights, equipment etc in and around the building."

Then later talking about when he got into the Waterways Centre, he said:

"OK, so I got into the room and took a look. Security is one old dude checking that everyone has a "staff" pass around their neck (no photo id or anything).

In the main room they have a kind of perspex stand (could be glass) about the height of a person with three shelves coming out of it at various heights. On one of those they had one of their machines. It was whirring away, basically spinning a wheel continuously. It has no obvious connections to power, only to a kind of connector block that i assume will connect to a readout or instruments."


Announcing Free Energy TV

Friday, December 11, 2009

Free Energy Truth announces specialist free energy video site.

Today we launch a free new specialist free energy only video website which will feature video clips of past, present and future free energy devices, systems, and demonstrations of over unity and attempts at over unity.

FreeEnergyTV will also feature any home based overunity / free energy DIY projects, experimentation with magnets / rigs / materials, pulsed motor technologies, instructional videos, garage built prototypes. Ideal for documenting and showing progress of your projects.

We also hope to be able to feature all of the clips from the imminent launch of Orbo.

So how do you get on FreeEnergyTV?

Step 1
Upload your video to YouTube as normal.

Step 2
Send an email to FreeEnergyTV ( include the YouTube URL of your video and provide a description of what is going on in the video (maximum 800 words).

Once quickly approved you’ll feature on FreeEnergyTV! Don't worry if you have existing YouTube videos you want to share. We want those as well.

Happy submitting!

Take Me To FreeEnergy.TV now! 


Steorn Launch YouTube Channel - SteornOfficial

Steorn yesterday created their own YouTube channel called "Steorn Official". So for those who didn't believe they were going to launch soon - think again. So far the only video posted is of the 3 engineers from earlier this year, but something tells me there will be a few more new videos there soon.


New Free Energy Video Website

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

New Free Energy Video Clips Site

In the next few days we'll be launching a brand new website specialising only in free energy videos / DIY builds etc all under one roof. The site will be a growing resource for free energy video replications past, present and future.

Users are invited to submit their own build videos showcasing their successes, pitfalls, hints, tips  and home DIY projects they are working on. The site will also feature past Steorn videos and new footage that will come out of the upcoming public demonstration and launch.

More details soon.


Steorn: The Confirmation

Thursday, December 3, 2009

We bring gifts. Gold Frankinsense and Neodymium.

Recently one of my fellow Steorn OS colleagues wrote the following in his blog:

"Well, things are hetting up in Steorn. Something sure is going on in the Dublin HQ: we in the inner forum or OS have, as have the '300' other NDA engineers, been told some details of the release event(s) planned for the next few months. Contrary to what one bible-thumping member of the 300 has written in his blog."

"Yes, this technology is only a few weeks away from exploding on the world stage. Already hundreds of forum members know how to build this device. So the knowledge is widespread".

"I don't think it's outside my NDA to say that this distributed knowledge will play a role in the roll-out of the technology. In 2010 the replications will start to sprout up all over the place, and the slow work of convincing the sceptics will begin."

Well, in this post I just wanted to confirm that what he is saying is true. 

Steorn have given us details of the upcoming worldwide release and events around Orbo's imminent launch. We are less than 4 weeks away from this as we speak, so it will be a December launch for free energy. Hundreds of individuals already know the techniques employed in order to gain energy from an Orbo magnetic interaction and the knowledge is indeed widespread already.

On a separate note, I too wish other blogs would not confuse religion with Orbo.  It is a revolutionary technology, there is no doubt about that, but it has precisely zero to do with god, Jesus, or even Robbie Coltrane in a nun outfit. Let's keep the perpetual emotion of religion and technology apart. (That's enough god stuff. Ed)

Now where did I leave my habit?



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