Thursday, May 7, 2015

Steorn - 'A Pub Lunch'...err...Launch

Steorn have always been mischievous, ever since I first encountered them in 2006. 

They do very unconventional things that a lot of the time people find perplexing. They have frequently poked fun at themselves - one time choosing to launch a new technology on April 1st. And if anyone knows how the claims appear to the general public, then it is surely Steorn themselves.  They know only too well how they are perceived, they know that what they are claiming is not just thought of as being difficult, but damned impossible! And who says so?  Almost everyone in the universe apparently.

Yesterday was no exception in terms of their unconventional approach - choosing to conduct a world-first demonstration of what hails to be a paradigm-shifting technology in a Dublin pub (as you do). But it is this seemingly utter disregard for the enforced 'rules' of convention that makes them so enigmatic and exciting.

PowerCube -  APub lunch...erm..launch

So no surprises today when I discovered their website is not down, but rather removed, leaving a single white page with a few lines of html.

Sceptics will no doubt jump on this and proclaim they have up and left the their offices, and indeed the country, leaving nothing but a swinging lightbulb and flaking paint. I suspect the real reason has more to do with re-branding and a marketing strategy that is almost anti-marketing in it's approach.

Only a couple of months ago Steorn engaged with a social media company to produce 'marketing material', such as a logo for their new Orbo 'PowerCube' and one cannot help thinking that that's not all they engaged them for.

If people are looking for Steorn to obey the rules of convention then they are in for a shock. No matter what you think of them they are always refreshing in their approach.

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