Invention Secrecy "Still Going Strong"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mainstream organisation FAS - The Federation Of American Scientists has reported that the secrecy surrounding inventions is "still going strong".

The report reveals that: "There were 5,135 inventions that were under secrecy orders at the end of Fiscal Year 2010, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office told Secrecy News last week. It’s a 1% rise over the year before, and the highest total in more than a decade."

Under section 181-188 of the "Invention Secrecy Act of 1951" patents that are deemed to be "detrimental to the national security" can be denied by a secrecy order that interupts the normal patent process.

The important question that we need to ask here is: "What types of inventions are on the list and who decides what is detrimental?

The vast majority of secrecy orders are for inventions that have a military or weapons application and there is no doubt that they would be legitimately "detrimental to the national security". Fair enough.

However, the real concern as has been shown from a 1971 report obtained under Freedom Of Information is that there are secrecy orders for inventions that are particularly energy efficient. This is of particular concern. Why are more energy efficient inventions that could have prevented the recent Gulf Of Mexico disaster and save the lives of millions of people deemed a national security risk?

"The 1971 list indicates that patents for solar photovoltaic generators were subject to review and possible restriction if the photovoltaics were more than 20% efficient. Energy conversion systems were likewise subject to review and possible restriction if they offered conversion efficiencies “in excess of 70-80%.”

Should the question perhaps be "Are more energy efficient inventions a risk to the profiteering of the corporate syndicates, Wall St bankers and energy cartels?" - In which case the answer is a clearcut - YES!.

The article concludes: "One may fairly ask if disclosure of such technologies could really have been “detrimental to the national security,” or whether the opposite would be closer to the truth. One may further ask what comparable advances in technology may be subject to restriction and non-disclosure today. But no answers are forthcoming, and the invention secrecy system persists with no discernible external review."

1971 List Of Categories Under Secrecy Orders

Invention Secrecy Act 1951 (Section 181-188)

Full Article by FAS - Federation Of American Scientists


Orbo Evaluation And Development Unit OEDU Announced

Friday, October 8, 2010

Steorn Announces "Prover" Board Which Will Demonstrate The Core Orbo Effect.   

This is a highly significant step closer to the realisation of Free Energy generation and a move towards independently powered cars, phones, and electrical items. The Orbo Evaluation And Development Unit is an electronic circuit board that can demonstrate a "non-conservative energy result". 


System Comprises

  • 12 month Developer License
  • 12 month SKDB Membership
  • 1 Orbo Evaluation and Development Unit (OEDU)
  • 1 USB memory stick with test data

OEDU Features and Applications

  • Unit to measure core Orbo effect
  • Parameter modification
  • Simple measurement with an oscilloscope

Orbo Technology Developer License and SKDB Membership

  • Access to the SKDB and its Orbo technology e-Learning modules – understanding the technology
  • Learn how Orbo technology works and how to build devices
  • Typically for electrical and electronic engineers, research and development teams, and specialists in magnetics and physics
  • Collaborate online and establish multi-disciplined research teams
  • Commercialisation requires separate license
  • Annual License and Membership

OEDU Support Available in the SKDB

  • User manual
  • Bill of materials
  • Board layout
  • Data analysis support
  • Optimisation support

Required Equipment and Skills

  • Oscilloscope
  • Data analysis package, such as Microsoft Excel
  • Electrical measurement skills
  • Experimental data analysis skills 

Basic Principle of Operation

The Steorn Evaluation and Development Unit (OEDU) produces a time-variant magnetic interaction which leads to a non-conservative energy result.

Key Features

The OEDU provides engineers with a perfect introduction to this revolutionary new energy technology. It can be used not only to validate Steorn’s central claim regarding the Orbo effect but also as a platform for the development of Orbo-powered devices.

Simply put, the OEDU allows the user to determine system efficiency by comparing energy input and energy output. It has been carefully designed with ease-of-use in mind and requires no other specialised equipment, bar an oscilloscope.

The OEDU has four points at which measuring probes can be attached. It is battery-powered, which greatly simplifies energy calculations and adds to the unit’s already impressive portability. Because clarity of purpose is so crucial, the OEDU is completely open and transparent in its design. The function of every element is clear and obvious, and there are no hidden components.

The follwoing video includes a physicist and 2 electrical engineers who have tested the Unit and were getting "308-320%" output.

Download the brochure for the OEDU here 

See the OEDU Webpage here

The unit is being made available sometime in October and by completing Pre-registration you will be given to a special discounted price of 360 euros.

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