Orion Project Update: Stan Meyer Water Powered Car

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Stan Meyer's Water Powered Dune Buggy

The Orion Project has recently released the following information:

The project to acquire the Stan Meyer technical legacy is moving forward. Stan was perhaps the foremost inventor working with water-fuel technologies. From the 1980's forward he was widely publicized for being able to run an automobile using only water as fuel. He achieved this by first fractionating the water into a mix of hydrogen and oxygen gas and then feeding this to the engine.

In 1998 Stan died suddenly, his work cut short. While many have tried to follow in Stan's footsteps, none have been able to reproduce his extraordinary results. For ten years it appeared his work was lost.

Stan Meyer


1.In late 2007, The Orion Project was contacted. We were told that much of Stan's original lab equipment, notebooks, computer records, and his infamous dune buggy had been held in storage.

2.In January 2008, Dr. Ted Loder went for a whirlwind visit to confirm that Stan's "stuff" had apparently been held in storage for over a decade. Yes, indeed it had!

3.For the next 11 months TOP was in a competitive bidding process with interested parties from around the world. TOP also validated that the current owners of the technology were the legal, rightful heirs to the property.

4.In December, 2008 TOP ultimately succeeded in offering the winning bid to acquire Stan's technology.

5.Since that time several colleagues who worked with Stan also found us. Some warned that within hours of Stan's death, the most vital technical information had been “sanitized” – permanently confiscated and removed.

During all this time, the technology was held in secure storage in an undisclosed location.

6.TOP has just arranged for a detailed assessment visit to review and evaluate the integrity of Stan's technology. We have assembled a team of Stan's former colleagues who worked directly with him over the years. Within the next 60 days, our team will make a 3-day visit to examine Stan's notes, lab equipment, computer records, and the dune buggy itself. Our mission for this trip is to determine if this important body of work remains intact or not.

a.If so, TOP will complete legal steps to finalize the agreement and move the items to a safe storage area.

b.If his technology has been “sanitized” – as validated by knowledgeable colleagues who worked directly with Stan – this represents an intentional act to suppress vitally important technology that could transform our world for the better. In either case, important news will emerge from this visit.

7.If our team determines the technology is intact and we take possession of it, immediately then, our two primary objectives will be:

a.Assemble a team of competent researchers skilled enough to work with the sophisticated technology Stan had developed. Stan's technology has potential to power automobiles on water as the only fuel. Additionally, it might be applied for free-standing power generators, or many other applications to replace carbon based fuels. It involved very sophisticated electronics and mechanical systems.

b.Raise further funds to carry out this critically important research: Because “Brown's Gas” ( the fuel mixture that Stan's technology creates ) is highly explosive, a proper lab facility must be created to even begin the work. A proper staff must also be assembled and employed. Of course, all this takes funds.

So, our next step is to visit Stan's technology with a skilled team and assess its integrity. We will issue a follow-up report following this visit.


MYLOW Magnet Motor Debunked?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

IMPORTANT FE TRUTH UPDATE : This story was later later shown to be a hoax. The MYLOW motor used concealed fishing line which was only spotted weeks later after some video analysis.

A very grainy image manipulated video has been posted to debunk MYLOWs magnet motor claims.

The claims centre around a high resolution video which has been processed and put through image manipulation software which appear to show two faint lines on the table next to the MYLOW motor. It has been suggested that these two lines are fishing gut used to manipulate the speed and motion of control the motor. There are lines visible, but it is not clear what they are.

While not irrefutable proof of anything (if proved genuine) it does cast doubt on the validity of the claims.

However, a video proposing the mechanics of a fishing gut setup has yet to be provided, especially one that could mimic the acceleration curve analysis that was previously done. Is this sort of precise accelearation control something that could be done with fishing gut we ask?

Another question that doesn't support the fraud theory is that MYLOW has not gained monetarily in any way from this episode. In fact his only "gain" is to be ridiculed and verbally abused by strangers. Another paradox.

There are many unanswered questions left in this saga. It is unclear why MYLOW would travel 700 miles to visit Howard Johnson's grave, but yet again make no financial gain.

If the debunkers are correct then Hollywood has much to fear. Someone that skilled at acting would surely never need a magnet motor claim to make millions.

MYLOW must now provide a working rig to an independent person or at the very least let an independent witness verify that there is no trickery involved.


MYLOW succeeds again!: Video Of Ying Yang Motor

Thursday, May 14, 2009

IMPORTANT FE TRUTH UPDATE : This story was later later shown to be a hoax. The MYLOW motor used concealed fishing line which was only spotted weeks later after some video analysis.


As you can see from the video, MYLOW had been given a rig belonging to someone else "Utah Bob" and has succeeded in getting it to spin with just 6 magnets.

Debunkers claimed that MYLOW was using a hidden motor to power his own rig. Now in less than a few days he has taken someone else's rig and managed to get it to work.

Anyone viewing the video can clearly see that the magnets are influencing the motion of the disc in attraction and repulsion. The motor picks up speed until it reaches an optimum speed where it seems to level out constant.

One of the remaining questions now is "How long (if unattended) can the rig sustain motion?"

Judging by the lack of debunker responses on the forums it seems they are running out of explanations for how this could be working except to conceed that it does turn on it's own.


MYLOW gets Ying Yang motor running!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

IMPORTANT FE TRUTH UPDATE : This story was later later shown to be a hoax. The MYLOW motor used concealed fishing line which was only spotted weeks later after some video analysis.


If you've been following the MYLOW events you'll know that recently MYLOW got sent an entirely different rig to try and get it running. It's called the Ying & Yang motor due to the design in the middle of the rotor. Previously this motor had never worked and does not belong to MYLOW, but somehow he has got it working,

Just a few minutes ago we noticed the following message on MYLOW Yahoo Groups Forum


Sterling just informed me that Mylow got the 'Yin-Yang' motor running using only 2 arrays of 5 magnets each! Stay tuned for video...

Sterling is away from his computer, but wants the message out right away, so he had me post this. Video will be up shortly, as soon as they finish with their scheduled
maintenance going on right now, so get ready to grab it.

This is all too exciting!!

-Andy Graham

We've just checked and the video is not there yet, but it should be after YouTube finish doing their scheduled maintenance work.

The rig in question has a much longer spindown time so it will be interesting to see if there is an actual effect of whether it's just the effects of a very very good long running bearing.

Click here for MYLOWs page


Ultimate MYLO Video - This has got to be seen people.

Monday, May 4, 2009

IMPORTANT FE TRUTH UPDATE : This story was later later shown to be a hoax. The MYLOW motor used concealed fishing line which was only spotted weeks later after some video analysis.

Just the most incredible piece of magnet motor footage available to date! There can be absolutely no doubt about this now. MYLOW has a working Howard Johnson Magnet Motor - PERIOD. The debate is over.

Enjoy the video and don't forget to use VIXY.NET to make copies of this footage.



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