Free energy from the vacuum
Monday, April 30, 2007
Extract taken from Tom Bearden's:
The Unnecessary Energy Crisis: How to Solve It Quickly
For nearly half a century (i) the active vacuum, (ii) the vacuum's energetic interaction with every dipole, and (iii) the broken symmetry of the dipole in that energetic interaction have been known and proven in particle physics. These proven COP>1.0 vacuum energy mechanisms have not been incorporated into the electrodynamic theory used to design and build electrical power and transportation systems. We are still waiting for the "old scientific opponents" — adamantly opposed to the very notion of electrical energy from the vacuum — to "die off and get out of the way."
Hence our universities, the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Science, the National Laboratories, etc. have not taken advantage of the enormous EM energy so universally available from the active vacuum, and in fact universally and copiously extracted from the vacuum by every EM system today — and wasted. Indeed, present organized science will not fund and will not tolerate research that would violate the presently decreed view of power systems and their functioning.